Clean Sweep
Maggie and Babs stroll the grounds, thereby avoiding the cleaning frenzy and Rob’s recriminations.
Last weekend we cleaned our house for hours. We mopped and scrubbed and polished. And all the while we were working we were giving our cats a hard time, saying things like, “Maybe you guys should try shedding your fur in the garbage instead of just anywhere. . . .” Or: “Perhaps you guys could stop sliding down the side of the chiffonier with your claws out. . . .” Finally, after about five hours, Rob was simply shouting, “I hate cats!”
Anyway, here is the end result of all our work. (As you can see, the cats weren’t too worried about us being mad at them.)

Our Fiestaware canister collection after dusting. Please note Josie snacking in the lower right-hand corner.

Our new mahogany file cabinet in the office (and Buntin peacefully napping)
Carl and Josie relaxing on the just-brushed chairs in the living room