Habitat for the Soul

Habitat for the Soul

One of the biggest reasons I spend so much time in my garden is the hope that I find there. Whenever I feel myself losing faith, I go outside and I can find it again. It’s been like that for as long as I can 

Meadow Dreams

Meadow Dreams

Ah, a meadow. Even just the sound of the word is pretty. When I was a kid, a meadow was not a thing I ever encountered in my daily life in 1970s suburbia. No, it was something that I came across only in storybooks and 



In my opinion, gardens should be lush, with places for fairies to hide. Yards with nothing but grass make me feel bored and hopeless. I prefer shadowy yards full of secrets, full of surprises. Full of possibilities. I grew up in the lushest backyard, created 

Camellia Show

Camellia Show

Last Saturday my sister Bunny, Dad, and I went to the Tallahassee Camellia Society’s annual show. It was held in Eyster Auditorium at the Doyle Conner Agricultural Complex. The auditorium was full of tables covered with row after row of red, pink, and white blooms 

Old Garden Roses and Dad

Old Garden Roses and Dad

Probably the closest I’ve ever felt to my dad was in the late ‘90s when he became interested in old garden roses. I was living in Atlanta at the time, trying to get my first yard going, and suddenly Dad was offering me these wonderful 

Ferns: A Love Story

Ferns: A Love Story

I love ferns. I’ve always been drawn to them by their softness and quiet beauty. As children, my sister Kris and I spent many hours in the scrap of woods behind our house, gathering fern fronds. They were an essential part of our games. They 

In Pursuit of the Pawpaw

In Pursuit of the Pawpaw

I’ve never tasted a pawpaw, but I’ve often dreamed of it. I started to be aware of the existence of pawpaws and pawpaw trees about 15 years ago, when I worked at Georgia Wildlife Federation (GWF) near Atlanta. The organization did a lot to promote 

Crazy for Caladiums

Crazy for Caladiums

Every summer it’s the same thing: I’m just delighted by my caladiums. I’m constantly admiring them and taking pictures of them and thinking about them, making lists of the ones I have and the ones I want to get: Candyland, White Queen, Rose Bud . 

Mom’s Yard

Mom’s Yard

I wanted to tell you a little bit about my mom’s yard because it’s so beautiful and because it is the setting for so many of our family events. It’s the setting for so many of our memories. Mom started …