This and That

I’ll start this most random post with a funny little story about my nephew, Jake: Today Jake stayed home sick from school and spilled a bowl of Froot Loops on his favorite blanket, B. So B had to go in the washer.

“I will put him in, Mommy!” Jake insisted. “Because I have special hands for handling B!”

Kris told me later that all the while Jake was stuffing B into the washer he was apologizing to the little scrap of blanket, saying, “B, I am sorry I can’t go in there with you, but I am a person and I really can’t get swirled around like that.”

More random news: It finally rained today. Hoorah! And the Georgia asters are blooming–pure purple. I’m crazy about them. There are Halloween lights everywhere around Quincy, and our festive neighbors on Eighth Street have their red brick house decorated like a Victorian funeral parlor. The front porch is draped in black tulle, and on every window there’s a black tulle wreath with a big purple bow. A life-size skeleton in a top hat greets visitors at the front door, and there’s an open coffin the yard, with a party of dancing ghosts nearby.

The Happy Family: Elroy, Leroy, and Francie

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