Quite a Day for Peppers

Mom saves clown pepper seeds every year; she gave us our seedlings this spring.

On Saturday morning Rob and I picked 27 ounces of peppers (a big harvest for us). They were mostly clown peppers, but there were also lots of Golden Summer Hybrids (a yellow bell pepper) and plenty of shiny habaneros and cayennes too. We planted all our peppers in spring, but it’s only now that they’re really kicking into high gear.

Rob really exulted in our pepper harvest. He kept shouting, “What are we going to do with all these peppers?!” And laughing and trying to guess how much they were going to weigh.

It was a beautiful moment in the garden, morning time, everything glittering with dew. Our collard patch is looking fine, and so are the cabbages, both the purple and white. The Sparkling Burgundy sasanqua is blooming, shedding petals all over the ground around its roots. (The fallen petals always make me think of a fancy Christmas tree skirt; they are so much a part of what makes a sasanqua beautiful.)

Rob was fussing with his patch of turnip seedlings, thinning them and fretting over them. “I think they’re not getting quite enough sun right now,” he declared. “But as soon as all the leaves fall, they’ll be fine. They’ll be just fine!” I think Rob gets worried then tries to allay his own fears with very optimistic statements. He never wants me to worry either so he’s always telling me, “Everything’s great. Everything’s going great for us right now. It’ll all turn out just fine!”

And I must say I like it. I like to be reassured.

All these peppers were put to use in the Thai tofu burritos we made on Sunday.

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