During the Benevolent Reign of Baby Sophie

Last night I was reading an old journal from 2004 and I realized how different our lives used to be when Kris’s kids were very young. The preschool-age Sophie really put us through our paces! We played imagination games with her all the time, and it was so much fun–and so exhausting!

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Sophie loves to pretend that she is a Pink Twiddlebug and I am her friend the Good Witch and Bunny is the Bad Witch. Sophie and I run away and hide under bushes and behind trees while Bunny hunts us, hunched over, hump-backed, with her snarfly witch-face on, one eye squeezed shut. “I smell them,” Bunny will say in a gravelly old voice, creeping through the Secret Garden. “And I know I could see them if only I had my good eye. But I left that at home.” Bunny is quite scary as the witch. She creeps around sniffing, trying to find the Pink Twiddlebug by smell. She sets “spiderweb traps” and summons the hawks to swoop down and capture the Twiddlebug. Sophie runs through the yard screaming and squealing, truly terrified.

A little girl wearing fairy wings

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