Orange Julius

I was so happy to have the day off today because I had time to do little fun things, like make vegan orange julius. I also had time to pour it into a wine glass and take a picture of it. The picture-taking was more time-consuming than you might guess because the cats kept jumping up on my little tray table and trying to play with the mint sprig garnishes. They ruined many shots in this fashion. Thus, my orange julius had to sit a while before I finally got to drink it, but it was still delicious–very luscious, cold, and creamsicle-like.

Vegan Orange Julius


1 6-oz can frozen orange juice
1 cup almond milk
1 cup water
¼ cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
5-6 ice cubes


Place all ingredients in the blender. Blend until very smooth and frothy.

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