Winter Wrap-Up

Since spring officially starts on Thursday, I thought now might be a good time to take a look back and assess what I’ve been able to accomplish this winter around Spruce Pine Cottage.

Well . . . I made a new feltie ornament for my Easter tree (a lavender kitten) and finished a painting of my stuffed animals having tea in the grass under an upright pink umbrella. I redecorated a corner of the Little House with a new-to-me old camel-back trunk and quirky French etagere, and I planted five more native trees in the yard (along with loads of deerberries, Elliott’s blueberries, and wildflowers).

But the best thing I did by far, of course, was adopt little Carmen. She’s adorable! Rob and I spend hours playing with her each day.

Rob works from home, and the other night when I got home from the office, he reported, “Oh, this little girl! She just wants to play and play and play! I was having to play with her during my Zoom meetings. It was okay though—I just kept the teaser out of camera range.”

I enjoy combing Carmen and taking pictures of her and feeding her lickable treats. Last Saturday I said to Rob, “I’m not sure what I did this morning. I got up at six, and now it’s ten. I guess I was mostly just f-ing around with Carmen.”

Rob said, “It’s easy to spend a lot of time doing that.” He added affectionately, “She’s very needy.”

So true. Carmen is needy in the cutest, sweetest, most charming way. We really love our little calico daughter.

A cute kitten feltie in an Easter basket
A painting of a teddy bear, a stuffed cat, and two stuffed rabbits having a tea party in a garden
A sunny room decorated with antiques
A cute calico cat lying on a chaise lounge

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