New Path
Two Saturdays ago, Rob and I built a path out of fieldstone between the Barn Garden and the Meadow Garden, replacing the old muddy trail that ran between those two beds. Rob used to call the old mud trail my “nemesis” because it bugged me so much. “Oh, gosh, this looks so terrible,” I’d say every time I set foot on it.
He’s taken to calling our new stone path “the Old Cobblestone Road” because it’s so wide and grand (for a path). We wanted to make it nice and roomy so we can push the wheelbarrow down it and carry big bags of leaves and fertilizer to the vegetable garden.
I like to see Bernie, our stray-cat friend, making use of the new path, strolling between the thick stands of purple coneflowers and wild petunias. We often meet on the path, Bernie and I, headed in opposite directions, which I find comical somehow. Bernie is going about his Bernie business.
Rob and I worked so hard on the path that we finished it all in one day. When we were done we went out to Decent Pizza to celebrate, even though we were so stiff and sore we could barely walk. I got a pizza with artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomatoes, red onion, and Daiya cheese. I was in vegan heaven.