A Carmen Update

Little Carmen is adjusting well to life as an indoor cat.

“She loves to play,” Rob says. “She just wants to play and play and play.”

It’s so true. The other night, we were playing with Carmen with her wand toys, making a little octopus dance and hide inside her cat tunnel. Carmen would wait under the easy chair, then dash madly across the room, diving into the tunnel and grabbing the octopus. She did this over and over again until she had to flop down on the floor and rest for a minute, panting.

“She’s panting!” I said to Rob.

“Oh, that’s so cute,” Rob said. “That just shows how much she was going for it. She wasn’t holding back!”

On weekend nights, we sit in the Little House and watch TV with our calico friend. We turn the lights off so it’s like we’re in a movie theater. Carmen likes to lie next to Rob on the chaise lounge with a little white paw on his stomach and purr through episodes of The Night Agent.

If any cat was ever meant to be a pet, it was Carmen.

A cute calico cat on a blanket

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