Breezeway Touchup

On Saturday Rob and I touched up the paint on the breezeway and repainted the door that leads from the breezeway to the Little House. The breezeway gets lots of wear and tear because it’s open to the elements–and because it’s our cats’ very favorite hangout. We repaired plenty of “cat damage” on Saturday. To be honest, that’s what took up most of our time. As our furry friends napped in the sun room, we were painting over claw marks and chatting cheerfully about how destructive cats can be: “They’re so concerned about their ‘territory,'” I said, “but they don’t seem to mind if it’s really torn up.”

Rob agreed. “In fact, they prefer it.”

“They have a reputation as fastidious creatures, but I think that’s overblown.”

“Well, of course.”

While the paint was drying, we washed down all the furniture and brushed the cat fur off all the pillows and cushions. Rob swept the floor, and as he was scooping up mounds of cat fur with the dust pan, he was singing a jolly song with a refrain that started like this: “Cats are terrible animals. . . .”

We kept our small friends off the breezeway until the paint was dry, and then we opened the door and they all ran out there again. Here are some pictures of our new improvements and of the cats happily messing them up.

Fresh white paint
Cute rabbit on a shelf in the pie safe
My niece, Sophie, gave me this handsome pig.
Our gnome, Mr. Halfrey
Elroy peeking through the back of a chair
Elroy again. He’s sitting on the table, getting fur on the tablecloth.
Carl preparing to nibble on a bouquet of mint. All our cats enjoy eating bouquets and tipping the vases over.

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