Warwick Castle

Warwick Castle

On Tuesday we took a train from London to Warwick, a tiny Tudor town in Shropshire, in order to see Warwick Castle, one of the best, most famous castles in England. I did not want to get up that morning because our room in London 

London: Day Two

London: Day Two

On day two we took the tour bus to Westminster Abbey. It was so cold–I mean, brutally cold. We went on a guided tour of the abbey. Our guide was a verger in a long black cassock–a rather prissy, persnickety fellow who didn’t put up 

First Day in London

First Day in London

Rob and I just got back from England! It was my first trip to Europe (Rob’s second), so it was a really big deal and very exciting!

I Once Lived in Taiwan

I Once Lived in Taiwan

When I was 27 I spent a year teaching English in Taiwan, in a little town called Chang Hua. Here are some excerpts from the journals I kept then: January 31, 1994 We live in a little house, a little wood-frame cottage, attached by guy 

Oregon Memories

Oregon Memories

Last night I was reading the journal I kept during our trip to Oregon in 2004. That’s the last time we visited my brother Jacob–six years ago, which makes me sad. Sophie was only three then, and Jake was a smiling, serene baby with big blue eyes and a bald head …