Christmas Decorating 2023

Christmas Decorating 2023

On Sunday, Rob and I put up our Christmas tree! As we worked, we listened to Christmas music (and the thunder and rain) and chatted about our childhood Christmas memories. “We’d always put up our tree on a Friday night,” I said. “Back then, a 

Slow-Living Sunday

Slow-Living Sunday

Last Sunday, I had the best day ever, not because anything exciting happened but because of how peaceful I felt in my heart. I played with the cats, polished the furniture, carefully cleaned and rearranged my collection of Fiestaware, and hung a little garland of 

Treasuring October

Treasuring October

October is a magical month here in North Florida. The temperatures are pleasant, the leaves and grass are still green, and the meadows, vacant lots, and roadsides are abloom with yellow and purple wildflowers. After the long, hot, hard summer, the world seems fresh and 



A couple months ago, back in June, Rob and I noticed an Eastern box turtle floating in our little homemade backyard pond. Rob became concerned because box turtles are land turtles and, he’d read, are not strong swimmers. “Maybe she fell in and she can’t 

Lake Hall

Lake Hall

The other day I went back to Lake Hall, a place that was my home away from home when I was a kid. I brought my camera and walked around and took pictures and thought about old times. Lake Hall is a small freshwater lake 

Christmas Decorating 2021

Christmas Decorating 2021

On Sunday we put up our Christmas tree! Rob came home with the tree that afternoon. It was a nice, tall, straight tree with a perfect pyramid shape, but when we got it in the stand we noticed that its bottom branches had lost most 

Savoring the Season

Savoring the Season

Some time ago I worked with a very nice man who loved fall. On the first slightly cool day in October during the first year that I knew him, he arrived at work exhilarated, full of happy plans for the season, and he shared those 

Halloween Dreams and Memories

Halloween Dreams and Memories

I’ve been spending these early-August evenings sewing wonky felt Halloween ornaments while listening to The Fellowship of the Ring on Audible. It’s been so much fun. I sit on the dining room floor surrounded by cats and drink hot Country Peach Passion tea and dream 

The Night Before My Day Off

The Night Before My Day Off

On Tuesday, I took the day off from work. I really needed it. Tuesday was my day off, but I’m not going to tell you about Tuesday. I’m going to tell you about Monday night because it was even better than Tuesday. On Monday night,