A Good Teacher

A Good Teacher

One day I was talking to Rob about Maggie, our beautiful silver tabby. I was saying how much she has taught me about forgiveness–because we were very cruel to her in the beginning and she hasn’t held that against us. …

A Funny Old Story

A Funny Old Story

I’m still reading my old journals (it’s one of my favorite pastimes), and today I found this funny story from the year Jake was four and Sophie was seven. As you’ll see, the kids were a real handful back then …

Remembering Bunny’s Wedding

Remembering Bunny’s Wedding

I’ve been going through my old journals again, and today I came across this little passage, about my sister Bunny’s wedding back in 2006, when Sophie was five and Jake was two:

Memories of Mintwood

Memories of Mintwood

As a child, I was always a fort builder. When I was 12, my sister Kris and I built our most beloved fort, Mintwood Estate, a crooked little house and elaborate garden, under a camphor tree in our backyard. We didn’t know …

Cold Weather and Cat Fun

Cold Weather and Cat Fun

his weekend was another crazy cold weekend–and our heat wasn’t working in the main house, so Rob and the cats and I had to “camp out” in our Little House, the old detached kitchen that we now use as an office. It was kind of cozy hanging out in such a small place with 11 cats.

St. Augustine: A Few More Tidbits

St. Augustine: A Few More Tidbits

I want to tell you just a bit more about our last night in St. Augustine, what a jolly madhouse it was in our little beach house. Bunny and I sat around together trying to remind each other of old Christmas memories, things the other 

Pumpkin Muffins and a Camellia Show

Pumpkin Muffins and a Camellia Show

On Saturday I was so happy just because I was free. For one precious day I didn’t have to go to work and I could do whatever I wanted. I added a sweetshrub (Calycanthus floridus) and three Elliott’s blueberries (Vaccinium elliottii) to our big bed around the pond, and Rob limbed up a lot of trees so …

St. Augustine: Day Two

St. Augustine: Day Two

On our second full day in St. Augustine the weather finally started to warm up, and I was so glad. That first night we were there, Sunday night, I had felt so sad when we passed the historic district all lit up with Christmas lights; 

St. Augustine: Day One

St. Augustine: Day One

The day after Christmas my family (Kris, Phil, Sophie, Jake, Bun, Matt, and Mom) and I took a trip to St. Augustine and stayed in a cute little coral-colored beach house. It was bitter cold when we arrived on Sunday afternoon, and I was worried