A Kimel Christmas

A Kimel Christmas

On Christmas morning I got up really early and planted 12 Shi-Shi Gashira sasanquas under the pindo palms near our pond. I was running around in the sparkling dew, petting Maggie and Babs in between plantings and wishing them a merry Christmas. Greg was sitting 

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was so exciting–because it was the beginning of everything, the beginning of all the fun, the beginning of all my days off, my sweet, precious vacation. I spent the morning happily cleaning up cat throw up. Kris and I met at Mom’s house 

Mom’s Christmas Date Balls

Mom’s Christmas Date Balls

On Saturday Kris and Sophie had a Christmas crafting party. It was a freezing, gloomy, dark day, so it was so nice to spend it inside Kris’s warm, cozy house, which was all decorated with lush garlands and wreaths and a big sparkly Christmas tree.

Sweet Sophie

Sweet Sophie

Here’s another old journal entry I’d like to share:   Saturday, July 25, 2005   On Saturday Kris, Sophie, and Jake met Rob and me at Native Nurseries. It was a surprise; Rob and I hadn’t expected them at all. Sophie was so excited to 

Laurel and Hardy

Laurel and Hardy

I was looking through my old journals yesterday once again and I came across this funny old memory of Sophie and Jake when they were practically babies (four and one). Those two have always been my favorite comedy duo. Even when they were still in 

Tree-Trimming Party

Tree-Trimming Party

Mom had a tree-trimming party on Friday night. The usual folks were there—Mom, Kris, Sophie, Jake, Bunny, Matt, and me. I was one of the first to arrive. I came over right after work and the living room was already full of the old, familiar boxes of ornaments.

A Potpourri

A Potpourri

I’ve got kind of a mixed bag of pictures here from the weekend. And this time I think I’ll actually talk about some them–instead of just ignoring them. …

During the Benevolent Reign of Baby Sophie

During the Benevolent Reign of Baby Sophie

Last night I was reading an old journal from 2004 and I realized how different our lives used to be when Kris’s kids were very young. The preschool-age Sophie really put us through our paces! We played imagination games with her all the time, and 

Bunny’s Halloween Party

Bunny’s Halloween Party

On Saturday Bunny had her annual Halloween party. Everything was so festive. The old greenhouse (which Bun and Matt now use as a little outdoor sitting area) was lit up with strings of ghostly white lights. Skeletons hung in the trees over little groups of crooked tombstones …