This and That

This and That

I’ll start this most random post with a funny little story about my nephew, Jake: Today Jake stayed home sick from school and spilled a bowl of Froot Loops on his favorite blanket, B. So B had to go in the washer. “I will put 

A Pumpkin-Carving Party

A Pumpkin-Carving Party

Friday night was Mom’s annual pumpkin-carving party. I came over after work, carrying two pumpkins, and Mom’s house seemed so inviting. There were bowls of Halloween candy on the table—orange saltwater taffies and gummy mummy pops. A big pot of sweet-potato soup was simmering on the stove, and Pillsbury crescent rolls were browning in the oven …

Apple Cake and a Photo Shoot

Apple Cake and a Photo Shoot

On Saturday Rob and I drove to Thomasville, Georgia, to order stone so we can make paths around our pond. I always enjoy the drive to Thomasville, but it’s especially beautiful at this time of year, when the country roads are …

Fond Memories of Long Ago

Fond Memories of Long Ago

Last night I came across my journal entry about Jake’s fifth birthday party in September 2008 (one of the funnest parties ever). It’s pretty funny, so I thought I’d share:

Kicking Off the Halloween Season

Kicking Off the Halloween Season

On Saturday at 4:00 I had my long-awaited Halloween baking party. Yes, I know. It’s not even October yet. But our family starts getting excited about Halloween in July! So this party seemed a long time coming.

Fun in the Time of Drought

Fun in the Time of Drought

It hasn’t rained here in a long time, and our native plant gardens have turned brown and crunchy. But even in this depressing, desiccated landscape Rob and I still managed to have fun this weekend–well, at least part of the time, when we weren’t dragging 

Once Upon a Time in New Orleans

Once Upon a Time in New Orleans

Okay, I confess I’m back into the 2008 journals. This time I’ve been reading about the trip that Mom, Bun, Kris, Sophie, and I took to New Orleans in July. Sophie was only seven then, and we all loved to tease her and she loved 

Meet the Ladies

Meet the Ladies

My sister Bunny has chickens! They are Dominiques, about five months old. On Friday I got to visit them for the first time.

Happy Birthday, Jake!

Happy Birthday, Jake!

We celebrated Jake’s seventh birthday on Saturday with a pool party at Kris’s house. Once again, Sophie created the cake—with Mom’s help, of course. This time she made cupcakes—each one frog-faced. (Frogs are Jake’s favorite animals.) The cupcakes were so adorable. The frogs had red-hot