More from the Oregon Journal

More from the Oregon Journal

Here’s a little more from the journal I kept during our Oregon trip (so long ago, when Sophie was three):

Oregon Memories

Oregon Memories

Last night I was reading the journal I kept during our trip to Oregon in 2004. That’s the last time we visited my brother Jacob–six years ago, which makes me sad. Sophie was only three then, and Jake was a smiling, serene baby with big blue eyes and a bald head …

Kris’s Birthday Party

Kris’s Birthday Party

On Saturday afternoon Rob and I went to my sister Kris’s house to celebrate her birthday. Kris’s daughter, Sophie, who’s nine, planned the entire party, baked the cake (with my mom’s help), and saw to every detail. It was a summery beach-themed party, and Sophie insisted that we all wear plastic …

A Cheery Saturday Morning

A Cheery Saturday Morning

Saturday morning was so strangely cool and bright, a welcome change from the usual July humidity and haze. I ran around the yard taking pictures and feeling wildly happy. My giddiness reminded me of the way I used to feel …

July: An Appreciation

July: An Appreciation

I love summer at home in the yard: the warm nights, owl sounds and frog cries, fireflies, pungent groves of dog fennel, box turtles eating slowly out of the cats’ bowls . . . the mountainmint busy with all different kinds of bees and wasps and colorful flies. . . .

Rich in Cats

Rich in Cats

Okay, this is embarrassing to admit, but I guess it’s best to be honest–Rob and I have 15 cats. See, there was a feral cat population explosion in our neighborhood recently, and Rob and I, softhearted fools that we are, ended up fixing and adopting