A Little Halloween Spirit

A Little Halloween Spirit

This weekend I got to decorate the house for Halloween. It was a nice distraction from the news. I had quite a large stockpile of homemade ornaments, and I found a place for every one! Making ornaments helped me get through the worst of the 

Cecilia’s Portrait

Cecilia’s Portrait

Two Saturdays ago, I finished this ridiculous portrait of my teddy bear Cecilia. I spent a pleasant three weeks working on it, sitting at the dining room table in the evenings and on weekend mornings, the cats gathered around me to nap or take very 

Porcelain Doll

Porcelain Doll

In the eighties, when I was in high school, my mom took a doll-making class and made three porcelain dolls, one for me and one for each of my sisters. During this time she was working as a night nurse at the hospital, putting in 

Christmastime at Mom’s

Christmastime at Mom’s

I know it’s after Christmas now, but I just have to pay tribute to my mom’s Christmas spirit. Even at 81 years old, she can still create Christmas magic like nobody else. At Christmastime (and, really, all the time) there’s a wonderful feeling at Mom’s 

October Magic

October Magic

When I was a child, October was my favorite month. I loved Halloween and the special crispness and sparkle of the early-fall days. All month I’d live in a state of high excitement and dread going to sleep for fear I’d miss something–a visit from 



Last Thursday and Friday I asked off from work so I could have a long weekend. But I didn’t plan to go to the beach or Disney World or St. Augustine or anywhere at all. No, I planned to stay home (with my cats and 

The Little Things

The Little Things

The other day I read an interesting opinion piece in USA Today suggesting that the current epidemic of depression in America (suicide rates have increased dramatically over the past 20 years) is largely caused by our culture’s overemphasis on personal accomplishment. Our emotional suffering, the 

Ode to Spring

Ode to Spring

Spring is my favorite season. It always has been. When I was a child, spring started, in my opinion, in February, when the wild violets appeared like magic in the little scrap of woods behind our backyard in Tallahassee. My sister Kris and I would 



I’m a grown lady, but I’m still crazy about stuffed animals. I love their soft, ineffectual bodies and their sweet, humble expressions. I love how patient they seem, how forbearing. Part of me knows they’re just pieces of cloth, bits of stuffing, but another part