Teddy Bear Tea Party

Teddy Bear Tea Party

On Saturday, Fenna and Claudia Rose had a tea party in the yard, even though spring is still a far-off wish, a dream. They held bouquets of pink camellias, the stems tied with satin ribbons, to add a little cheer to the brown and wintry 

Late Summer Fun

Late Summer Fun

Here are some little fun things that have been happening around Spruce Pine Cottage recently. About a week before school started, Sophie (my niece) got her braces off. I couldn’t wait to see her new teeth, so I arranged a visit with her as soon 

Carl’s New Collar and Tie and More

Carl’s New Collar and Tie and More

About a week ago, I ordered Carl a cat-sized collar and tie from a lovely Etsy shop called ChariotsAFire. The combo arrived in the mail on Tuesday. The tie is olive green with tiny gold dots, and Carl looks great in it (it really complements 

June Time

June Time

Yesterday was a typical summer Saturday for Rob and me. We played with our cats, mowed and edged the yard, and cooked up some marinara sauce from our homegrown tomatoes. On Saturdays I like to do things slowly and daydream a lot instead of working 

Spring Weekend

Spring Weekend

On Friday night it rained over 4 inches. It was a spectacular storm that started in the late afternoon and continued until just before dawn. Rob and I popped popcorn and watched Justified as the lightning flashed and the thunder roared, and I was so 

Camellia Show

Camellia Show

Last Saturday my sister Bunny, Dad, and I went to the Tallahassee Camellia Society’s annual show. It was held in Eyster Auditorium at the Doyle Conner Agricultural Complex. The auditorium was full of tables covered with row after row of red, pink, and white blooms 

Pumpkin Carving and Other Stuff

Pumpkin Carving and Other Stuff

This weekend Rob and I spent all day Saturday cleaning up our vegetable garden. The outer beds, where our pomegranates and clown peppers grow, had become jam-packed with wild petunias (Ruellia caroliniensis), so we dug those out. I felt bad removing them because wild petunia 

September Stuff

September Stuff

I’ve been especially pressed for time this month because my cat Josie has started a special kidney care diet and she’s decided she won’t eat her special food unless she’s sitting on my lap. Josie eats so slowly. She takes a few licks, then stops 



I’d like to tell you about a heartwarming friendship between two cats. It began six years ago when we adopted Carl, our little brown tabby. Carl was a kitten, maybe three months old, at the end of 2008. He showed up one cold December day