

I finally got a picture of Bernie, the old stray cat I feed (and truly care about). The quality of the picture isn’t very good (I had to take it quick before he got scared), but he sure is cute. Rob says Bernie looks like 

A Summer Night

A Summer Night

Summer is my favorite season at Spruce Pine Cottage. It’s the green time, the lush, sultry time, the time when the rosinweed blooms and the garden is full of tomatoes. Box turtles come out in the rain. Nighttime is even better than daytime because there 

A Sweet Sunday

A Sweet Sunday

Rob was out of town on Sunday, so I got to have one of my little “Leslie days.” It was extremely pleasant. I started it with a delicious breakfast of popcorn popped on the stove. There’s nothing better than eating popcorn at dawn. As I ate, I read a cookbook …

A Bunny Tale

A Bunny Tale

Today I thought I’d tell you a little story and then show you some pictures I took that have nothing at all to do with it. The story is actually my mom’s story, and I’m going to to use her words to tell it just 

Easter Party

Easter Party

On Saturday, my family came over for an Easter party. I had such a great time. I was so excited for everybody to see my yard and eat the big lunch Rob and I had made with vegetables from our garden. …



Two weeks ago, our cat Josie got very sick. She had a 105-degree temperature. She wouldn’t eat. All she wanted to do was sleep. We thought she was going to die, but it turned out she just had a bad urinary tract infection. We gave 

Mom’s Yard

Mom’s Yard

I wanted to tell you a little bit about my mom’s yard because it’s so beautiful and because it is the setting for so many of our family events. It’s the setting for so many of our memories. Mom started …

Grandma’s House

Grandma’s House

My grandparents on my mother’s side lived on a small dairy farm in Wisconsin, in Brown County, near Green Bay. I grew up in Florida, far away, so I only got to visit the farm a few times. Yet even though my visits were infrequent, 

Clean as a Whistle

Clean as a Whistle

Rob and I did nothing but clean our house this weekend. We cleaned it from top to bottom. We washed all the baseboards and mopped all the floors and brushed all the furniture and cleaned the windows and the windowsills and all the moldings. Of