When I was a little kid, probably about nine, my father, one day, brought out a leaf collection he had made when he was about my age, about nine. I saw it only once, that one time, but I never forgot it. It was beautiful …
When I was a little kid, probably about nine, my father, one day, brought out a leaf collection he had made when he was about my age, about nine. I saw it only once, that one time, but I never forgot it. It was beautiful …
Yesterday I did a whole bunch of weeding while Rob mowed the lawn and cleaned out the gutters. I actually love to weed. It’s so peaceful and it gives me a chance to really look at my plants, really study them and their surroundings …
When my brother and sisters and I were little, we always played outside in our Tallahassee backyard, which was about an acre in size and elaborately landscaped by our parents. There were two vegetable gardens and a rose garden and plum trees and a bed …
Babs died on Wednesday. I won’t go on and on about how angry I am about this. I’ll just say I’ve been writing down my memories of her, and here are just a few: She would always sit on the steps by the screen door …
Here’s a pretty neat picture of one of our black swallowtail caterpillars. Right now these little guys are all over our yard, chowing down on our bronze fennel plants. I just love how chubby and baby-like they are—so sympathetic, so cute, in my opinion. I’m …
I thought Sophie would like to see what her cats, Tuxie and Feltie, looked like as tiny kittens:
The coreopsis is blooming. So are the irises. Here are a few things I did this weekend: Ate cherry jelly beans for breakfast Planted five Dixie wood ferns Planted 12 Clemson Spineless okra Transplanted a bunch of purple coneflowers to the bed by the barn …