Candid Jams

Candid Jams

I thought I’d post some candid shots of Jammer, most of them taken by Rob, just so I could remember and think about how funny Jammer was and how he liked to spend his days. He liked to “take the air,” as we used to 

A Remembrance

A Remembrance

Jammer, great Jammer, died on Monday morning. He was almost 17. After he died, Rob and I spent the day talking about him and looking at pictures of him. I found his kitten pictures, and I said, “See, he always had sad puppy eyes, from the 

Jake’s Special Day

Jake’s Special Day

Today Kris, Bun, and I took Jake out for a “special day”–and Sophie tagged along. …

When We Got Home

When We Got Home

Here’s what I saw when we got home from Yellowstone:

The Tiniest Improvements Yet

The Tiniest Improvements Yet

This weekend was extra nice because it rained three inches, a welcome relief after months and months of burning, dusty drought. Florida is supposed to be a rainy place. When I was a child, the summer rainy season could be counted on, was always drenching wet. 

Jake’s Birthday

Jake’s Birthday

We celebrated Jake’s eighth birthday on Saturday. We had pizza, and Sophie made cupcakes, and I brought the stupidest, most low-rent snacks—Sweet and Sour Filled Twizzlers and Hot Fries. …

Windy Hill and Other Stuff

Windy Hill and Other Stuff

I keep forgetting to write down this funny story Kris told me about Jake. The other weekend they went to the Grand Reopening Party at Fashion Pointe, a ladies’ clothing store, and Jake got to spin a wheel and try to win a prize. …

Baby Squirrels and More

Baby Squirrels and More

On Saturday Mom was babysitting Sophie and Jake’s foster squirrels, Mable and Cuddly, so Rob and I stopped by to visit them. The babies were so cute. Their eyes are open now, and they are such good eaters …

Reminders of an August Long Ago

Reminders of an August Long Ago

August in North Florida brings with it certain special beauties–blue morning glories, jewel-like poke berries, puddle-loving smartweed (which I always called “bead flowers” as a kid), purple muscadine grapes, and butterflies galore. Whenever I see a ripe poke berry or a wild grape, it reminds me that it’s August, and it makes me think, inevitably, of another August, when I was 12.