Baby Squirrels

Baby Squirrels

Sophie and Jake are fostering two orphan baby squirrels (gray squirrels) through St. Francis Wildlife Association, and today I got to meet the little cuties. They’re all arms and legs …

Furry Friends and Tomatoes

Furry Friends and Tomatoes

Last weekend was a pretty typical summer weekend for us. We spent it gathering baskets of tomatoes from our garden (the Romas and Matt’s Wild Cherries are doing so great) and making fresh salsa and other tomato-y things. …

Handsome Devils

Handsome Devils

Check out my fine-looking cats:

Happy Easter: Part Two

Happy Easter: Part Two

We hid eggs, of course, at Kris’s Easter party. This is not something we do just to entertain the kids. We grown-up Kimel sisters actually love hiding and finding eggs. We like hiding them in the most picturesque ways …

Happy Easter: Part One

Happy Easter: Part One

On Easter Sunday, we all got together at Kris’s house. Everybody contributed food for lunch. Bun brought perfect empanadas stuffed with black beans and butternut squash; I brought oven fries, kale, and red bean dip …

Little Babby Friend

Little Babby Friend

Yesterday our little cat Babs had to go to the vet, and I was really worried about her. I was so glad when she got home all right, and I fêted her with catnip and treats and a can of Fancy Feast. …

Easter Egg-Dyeing Party

Easter Egg-Dyeing Party

On Friday evening, we all went over to Mom’s house to dye eggs for Easter. Bun and I rode over to Mom’s together, and when we arrived, only Jake was there. The first thing he did (before even saying hello) was tag me. …

Another Flowery, Cat-y Weekend

Another Flowery, Cat-y Weekend

When it’s not the weekend, I can’t believe it ever was the weekend, that I really had my own free time. It just seems too marvelous, too wonderful, beyond comprehension. …

The Landing and Other Stuff

The Landing and Other Stuff

This weekend was crazy busy. Rob and I cleaned the house, did tons of laundry, prepared our taxes, weeded for hours, watered three acres of thirsty plants, swept our porches and garden paths, and cut down a bunch of invasive nandina …