October Glory

October Glory

This weekend was a glorious one here in Quincy. The Korean mums put on a dazzling show, and the satsumas and lemons went about their slow business of ripening, displaying rich, soft shades of gold. The weather was so cool that I was able to 

The Old Backyard

The Old Backyard

When my brother and sisters and I were little, we always played outside in our Tallahassee backyard, which was about an acre in size and elaborately landscaped by our parents. There were two vegetable gardens and a rose garden and plum trees and a bed 

Spring Gardening Fun

Spring Gardening Fun

This weekend was particularly satisfying because I got to spend most of it gardening. On Saturday Rob and I mowed and edged and ran the weedeater, which took up half the day but certainly resulted in …

July: An Appreciation

July: An Appreciation

I love summer at home in the yard: the warm nights, owl sounds and frog cries, fireflies, pungent groves of dog fennel, box turtles eating slowly out of the cats’ bowls . . . the mountainmint busy with all different kinds of bees and wasps and colorful flies. . . .