My Great-Grandfather

This is my great-grandfather, my mom’s father’s father, Frank Allen. He was born in the 1890s, I believe, and died in the 1960s. He owned a small dairy farm near Green Bay, Wisconsin. “What was he like?” I asked Mom when she gave me his 

Some Old Family Photos

When my mom’s sister Aunt Mary came to visit us from Wisconsin in February, she brought a bunch of old family pictures with her so I could scan them. Well, I finally finished scanning and I thought I’d share a few of the best ones: 

A Little Nostalgia

I was looking through my old photo archive the other night. I can’t believe how time flies. I used to consider these pictures outtakes, but now they’re treasures. Sophie on her sixth birthday. She was a little overstimulated. Jake at Sophie’s sixth birthday party. He 

Upon Our Return

Rob and I just got back today from our trip to Sequoia National Park. It’s always so hard to come home from a vacation because the yard is such a mess. After a week of neglect, most of my potted plants are dead, and my 

A Great Picture

Here’s a picture of my pretty and talented sister Kris in my meadow garden. Isn’t it awesome? Yes, I pressed the shutter release, but she set up the whole shot and told me exactly what to do and where to stand–and I think the end 

Pretty Friendly

I’m still hoping the staff at the water management district will use a picture or two of mine in their new brochure on Florida-friendly landscaping. So this weekend I spent a good deal of time crawling around with my camera, trying to document a few 

On a Cloudy Day

Here’s how the meadow garden looked on Saturday, under cloud cover:  

A Florida-Friendly Yard

The water management district is putting together a brochure on Florida-friendly landscaping (environmentally friendly landscaping). They were looking for pictures, so I sent in a bunch, including the ones below. I really hope I’m included. I would be so, so jazzed. 

Through the Needle Palm

Here’s how the house looks right now, through the needle palm in the bed along North Adams Street. Rob just repainted the front steps, and we’ve decorated the front porch with four big pots of fancy multi-colored caladiums. There’s a nest on top of one