Winter Wrap-Up

Winter Wrap-Up

Since spring officially starts on Thursday, I thought now might be a good time to take a look back and assess what I’ve been able to accomplish this winter around Spruce Pine Cottage. Well . . . I made a new feltie ornament for my 

My Great-Grandfather

This is my great-grandfather, my mom’s father’s father, Frank Allen. He was born in the 1890s, I believe, and died in the 1960s. He owned a small dairy farm near Green Bay, Wisconsin. “What was he like?” I asked Mom when she gave me his 

Some Old Family Photos

When my mom’s sister Aunt Mary came to visit us from Wisconsin in February, she brought a bunch of old family pictures with her so I could scan them. Well, I finally finished scanning and I thought I’d share a few of the best ones: 

A Little Nostalgia

I was looking through my old photo archive the other night. I can’t believe how time flies. I used to consider these pictures outtakes, but now they’re treasures. Sophie on her sixth birthday. She was a little overstimulated. Jake at Sophie’s sixth birthday party. He 

Upon Our Return

Rob and I just got back today from our trip to Sequoia National Park. It’s always so hard to come home from a vacation because the yard is such a mess. After a week of neglect, most of my potted plants are dead, and my 

A Great Picture

Here’s a picture of my pretty and talented sister Kris in my meadow garden. Isn’t it awesome? Yes, I pressed the shutter release, but she set up the whole shot and told me exactly what to do and where to stand–and I think the end 

Pretty Friendly

I’m still hoping the staff at the water management district will use a picture or two of mine in their new brochure on Florida-friendly landscaping. So this weekend I spent a good deal of time crawling around with my camera, trying to document a few 

On a Cloudy Day

Here’s how the meadow garden looked on Saturday, under cloud cover:  

A Florida-Friendly Yard

The water management district is putting together a brochure on Florida-friendly landscaping (environmentally friendly landscaping). They were looking for pictures, so I sent in a bunch, including the ones below. I really hope I’m included. I would be so, so jazzed.