Through the Needle Palm

Here’s how the house looks right now, through the needle palm in the bed along North Adams Street. Rob just repainted the front steps, and we’ve decorated the front porch with four big pots of fancy multi-colored caladiums. There’s a nest on top of one 

April Flowers

Despite the drought, the yard is still producing a bounty of flowers. Here’s a little peek at what’s blooming right now:   Purple coneflowers–so reliable and easy The chestnut rose. This heirloom is pretty even when it isn’t blooming. It’s so dense and shrubby, a 

Too Cute

On Saturday Chip had a tea party under the Chinese chestnut. He enjoyed some fine refreshments–invisible lemon coolers and Victoria sponge cake. The tea was air. His guests included hummingbirds and butterflies, and an inchworm stopped by.


Sometimes when I get discouraged, it helps to look back at old pictures. They remind me of how far we’ve come with this house and yard. February 2008 March 2012

These Balmy Winter Days

Yesterday was so warm, it sure didn’t feel like January–and it didn’t really look like it either. There haven’t been any freezes yet this winter, so our summer vegetable garden is still producing. We’ve got shiny hot peppers galore, and we even have an eggplant 

Homegrown Broccoli

We picked our first broccoli today! It’s delicious–so tender and sweet.

I Hate the Drought

The drought is so bad here in Gadsden County; rainfall this year is at least 20 inches below normal. I’m just miserable over the rock-hard soil and silver, crunchy grass, the beds full of wilted and crispy plants. It’s so depressing. I’m starting to feel 

Home Alone

Sand pears and Turk’s caps are in abundant supply now. This weekend Rob was out of town, so I was left to my own devices. I made butterscotch brownies and played with the cats. I also picked our very first pears and our first White 

Cute Cookie on a Mushroom with a Rabbit in the Background

I made a bunch of these sweet, salty peanut-butter cookies to take to Kris’s birthday party a few weeks ago. Obviously, I’m very behind on my posting.