Ballerina Girl

On the front porch In the meadowAmong the prairie coneflowersA serious student of dance Kris, Sophie, and Jake came over to visit last night. This was Jake’s greeting to me: “I’m only here because Mommy said I can play Rob’s video games.” “Well,” I said, 

More Ms. Glitterson

I took this one of our favorite star.

Vegan Pot Pie

I had to get some coneflowers in this shot too. I’m so proud of my meadow. Two weeks ago, Rob and I made the best vegan pot pie, packed with fresh vegetables from our garden. It was so delicious, I thought I’d share our made-up 

May Flowers

Sophie/Ms. Glitterson and Chip having tea. Photo by Kris Kimel Photography On Sunday Kris and Bun and Sophie came over so we could take some pictures in my flowery yard. We sat in my bedroom for a while, looking at the props and waiting for 


Blackberries in Nippon dishHeirloom tomatoes and petuniasHeirloom tomatoes and sad bunny Lovely scallop squash

Clean Sweep

Last weekend we cleaned our house for hours. We mopped and scrubbed and polished. And all the while we were working we were giving our cats a hard time, saying things like, “Maybe you guys should try shedding your fur in the garbage instead of just anywhere. . . .”