Tag: being an aunt

Kicking Off the Halloween Season

Kicking Off the Halloween Season

On Saturday at 4:00 I had my long-awaited Halloween baking party. Yes, I know. It’s not even October yet. But our family starts getting excited about Halloween in July! So this party seemed a long time coming.

Once Upon a Time in New Orleans

Once Upon a Time in New Orleans

Okay, I confess I’m back into the 2008 journals. This time I’ve been reading about the trip that Mom, Bun, Kris, Sophie, and I took to New Orleans in July. Sophie was only seven then, and we all loved to tease her and she loved 

Sweet September

Sweet September

Georgia Jet sweet potatoes

August is kind of a dull month in North Florida–hot, humid, relentless. But September is exciting, a time to look for signs of change, harbingers of fall. I start to be on the lookout for webworm tents and ripe dogwood berries, pine cones chewed up by squirrels. (All of these are significant.) I like to take pleasure trips to CVS and Walgreen’s just to check if they’ve got their Halloween candy in yet.

I was so excited on Friday because it was the start of the three-day weekend and there was just a hint of fall in the air. After work Bun and I went shopping for Jake’s birthday present, and it was really fun because we got to go to Barnes and Noble and pick out books–a rare treat. We bought Jake a book of scary stories and some Silly Bandz . . . and afterwards I got to play with Bunny’s chickens for the second time that day. Bun told me her chickens love to cuddle together, and as soon as it starts getting dark they’ll put themselves to bed.

Even washing the dishes was fun that night because Rob and I had all the doors and windows open to let in the cool air, and we could hear the bard owls hooting. Our supper of half-assed vegan nachos seemed so festive. I remember the nachos being candlelit, but I know I’m making that up. It was just the joy of Friday coloring everything, making everything seem extra beautiful and special.

It was so nice having extra time. It meant I got to do so many more fun little things, things that normally get squeezed out. On Saturday I threw a super high bouncer up and down our big wide open hallway so the cats could chase it. I had eight cats playing, running back and forth, leaping and scrambling and sliding. We had an awesome time. It’s such a triumph if you can ever interest cats in anything.

I was encouraging them, saying, “Nice attempt, Carl!” And: “Way to hustle, Elroy!”

Rob said, “I love how whenever you throw that ball you turn into a middle-school PE coach.” He kept calling me “Coach.”

On Sunday we harvested our first sweet potatoes of the year–some Georgia Jets growing behind the garage. It was like digging for buried treasure there in the hot sun. We were pulling out the nicest, fattest, pinkest potatoes even though the soil was rock-hard and dry and full of clay balls.

We picked the last of our wonderful Ikebana eggplant too. Later Rob pulled out the plants (it’s the end of the season), and I heard him apologizing to them and thanking them very sincerely for their service. (Rob often talks to plants . . . Insects, too. He’s very softhearted.) They were great plants and it was sad to see them go. The three of them gave us over 18 pounds of perfect shiny purple eggplant this summer.

We used our eggplant and sweet potatoes in a really delicious recipe-less curry; Rob made it up as he went. Our last homegrown onion and the last of our Matt’s wild cherry tomatoes went into a channa masala. We made brown rice and smoothies too, and I cut up a Winn-Dixie watermelon for dessert. Oh, and I made field peas spiced with a bunch of our clown nose peppers. We made all this stuff for lunch on Sunday (the meal was a sort of celebration of and memorial to our summer garden), and then we started planting our fall garden. We planted six neat rows of carrots (Circus Circus and Kuroda) and six neat rows of Baby Leaf spinach. Hopefully we aren’t too early, and hopefully it won’t be too hot for everything!

Rob eating lunch on the screen porch on Sunday. That’s Francie napping in the background.

Here is our channa masala recipe, Rob’s take on a great recipe he found in Neelam Batra’s The Indian Vegetarian:

Channa Masala


Spice Mixture:
3 Tbsp cumin
2 Tbsp coriander
1 Tbsp fenugreek leaves
1 Tbsp ground ginger
2 Tbsp cardamom
2 tsp asafoetida
1 Tbsp salt
2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp cumin seeds
2 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)

Main Ingredients:
3 Tbsp vegan margarine
1 medium onion, chopped
3 fresh cayenne peppers, chopped
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
2 cans chickpeas, drained
3 Tbsp tamarind concentrate
2-3 tsp brown sugar

Combine all the spice mixture ingredients and roast briefly in a clean frying pan over low heat. Set roasted spice mix aside. You won’t use it all, and the leftovers can be saved for future use.

In a medium saucepan, sauté the onions and peppers in butter until the onions are semi-transparent. Add 3 tablespoons of the spice mixture. Add all remaining ingredients and stir. Simmer, covered, over medium heat for approximately 20 minutes. (You might want to add some extra salt in addition to what’s in the spice mixture.)

Happy Birthday, Jake!

Happy Birthday, Jake!

We celebrated Jake’s seventh birthday on Saturday with a pool party at Kris’s house. Once again, Sophie created the cake—with Mom’s help, of course. This time she made cupcakes—each one frog-faced. (Frogs are Jake’s favorite animals.) The cupcakes were so adorable. The frogs had red-hot 

Kris’s Birthday Party

Kris’s Birthday Party

On Saturday afternoon Rob and I went to my sister Kris’s house to celebrate her birthday. Kris’s daughter, Sophie, who’s nine, planned the entire party, baked the cake (with my mom’s help), and saw to every detail. It was a summery beach-themed party, and Sophie insisted that we all wear plastic …

Maclay Gardens on a Sultry Evening

Maclay Gardens on a Sultry Evening

Leslie and Sophie

My sister Kris, my niece, Sophie, and I did a photo shoot at Maclay Gardens yesterday when it was literally 100 degrees outside.

I went over to Kris’s house to get ready, and my nephew, Jake, who’s six, was embarrassed because he was running around in his underwear when I arrived.

Later I said, “Jake’s being mean today. He wouldn’t even say hi to me before.”

And Jake cried, all put-upon, “Because I was naked!”

Aunts can be so annoying.

We headed over to Maclay Gardens (a beautiful public garden lush with Spanish moss), and as the sun was setting, we were trudging about under the live oaks, taking pictures, sweating, dreaming of icees, and pretending to be characters from Toddlers and Tiaras, Sophie’s favorite TV show.

Sophie was Madisyn, a feisty pageant contestant, and Kris was her mother, Kelsey. “Madisyn’s a real pistol, ” Kris-Kelsey said. “She’s a fighter, and it is paying off for her. We’ve been doing pageants for like two years, and so far she’s won a gift certificate and $200 towards college.”

I won’t go into any more of the dumb things we were saying, but we stayed in character pretty much the whole time—until we came to a big field full of stinging nettles. For some reason, Sophie was terrified of the nettles—perhaps because I likened their sting to an electric shock.

“Carry me!” she cried to Kris.

“Are you high?” Kris said.

Sophie is nine and a bit large for carrying.

She was wearing a fancy brown satin dress (her Christmas dress), with a crinoline . . . and little high heels . . . and a florescent green Silly Band around her ankle.

Kris was mad about the Silly Band. “Well,” she sighed. “I guess I’m going to have to airbrush that out.”

The best part of the day was when we finally got our icees. Kris and Sophie served themselves beautiful, artistic ones, in tall, clear cups. They looked like parfaits—with frosty layers of banana and cherry and blue raspberry. . . . We stood around drinking them and talking about “spray tannin'” in our Toddlers and Tiaras accents. By then, the fireflies had come out and were all around us.