Tag: cats

New Rocking Chair

New Rocking Chair

Last Monday at my lunch hour I ran over to Rabbit Creek, a great new antique mall in Tallahassee, and bought a rocking chair and footstool I’d had my eye on for a while. The owner of the booth where I found the chair was 

Brick Project Update

Brick Project Update

For the past year, I’ve been working on outlining all my garden beds with bricks. I dig a trench around each bed, sink the bricks about halfway into the soil, and arrange them in a sawtooth pattern. The bricks add a nice, tidy edge to 

Decorating Spree

Decorating Spree

Last Friday after work, I embarked on a little decorating spree that lasted through Saturday evening.

Around noon that day (Friday, I mean), I received in the mail a pair of vintage McCoy wall pockets—two sunny yellow ceramic flowers that I’d ordered off eBay. I was very excited. As soon as my workday was over (I’m still working from home), I ran into the sunroom to hang them in the gaps between three gold-framed photos under our big dragon-boat carving on the main wall. I’d been pondering those gaps for months, wondering how to fill them.

After the cheery wall pockets were up, I cleaned the whole sunroom from top to bottom. I even dug out some fun vases to add a bit of pizzazz to the bare marble table by the back door. But when I ran outside to gather flowers for the vases, I fell into a familiar predicament: I couldn’t bring myself to pick even one! I ended up making bouquets of anise leaves instead. Ha! It never fails; I always feel too sorry for my flowers to disturb them.

A sunroom decorated with two yellow, flower-shaped wall pockets

The decorating continued on Saturday, which saw me up before dawn making improvements to the back bedroom. Earlier in the week I’d bought an antique spool cabinet at Memory Lane Antiques in Tallahassee, and it was waiting patiently in my closet for setup. I got it into position on top of the chest by the door and started filling its six little drawers with various thrift-shop treasures—a celluloid fan, a rhinestone brooch, a beaded coin purse, etc. Then I rearranged all the room’s pictures and knickknacks, which was very satisfying, like working a puzzle. I cleaned the whole room, then moved on to the breezeway.

The breezeway was so filthy that I had to enlist Rob’s help in the cleaning. The main reason the breezeway gets so dirty is that it’s our cats’ favorite hangout—and, as Rob says, only partly joking, “cats are disgusting.”

We mopped and scrubbed for about four hours as Rob sang a modified version of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” substituting the names of our nine cats for the names of the reindeer. When the floor was finally clean and dry, we unrolled a colorful new rag rug that I’d ordered off Amazon. We’d moved all the furniture outside when we started cleaning, and we gave it all a good washing and/or dusting before moving it back in. Then we dressed up our rickety table with a brand-new tablecloth.

The cats had been hiding during all the ruckus of cleaning, but now they emerged to check out the new rug. They loved it. They rolled on it. They scratched it. They curled up on it. They napped on it. Every single cat in the house had to try out the new rug.

“Aww, there’s nothing like a new rug, is there, babies?” Rob said.

I asked, “Did I do a good job with my purchase, kittens?”

Leroy replied in the affirmative by rolling onto his back on the rug and exposing his cute, pink, peach-like tummy.

As Rob petted him, I went out to pick more of my dumb, flower-less anise bouquets. I had quite a few vases to fill on the breezeway.

Vegan Sweet Potato-Black Bean Soup and More

Vegan Sweet Potato-Black Bean Soup and More

Tonight I’m finishing up a rare four-day weekend. It was so much fun and felt like such a luxury! During most of my time off, I worked on a painting of a chubby baby bunny frolicking in a patch of bluets. I took breaks every 

The Night Before My Day Off

The Night Before My Day Off

On Tuesday, I took the day off from work. I really needed it. Tuesday was my day off, but I’m not going to tell you about Tuesday. I’m going to tell you about Monday night because it was even better than Tuesday. On Monday night, 

A Very Time-Consuming Painting

A Very Time-Consuming Painting

A painting of a red barn surrounded by greenery

For the last half of January, all of February, and most of March, I was working obsessively (in the evenings and on weekends) on a small painting of our backyard. The painting was very hard for me to finish because the scene I was trying to capture included about a billion leaves. I’m a beginner in acrylics and don’t know how to suggest leaves the way a more skilled painter would do. No, instead I have to sit there and paint every leaf individually, one by one, because I haven’t mastered any advanced techniques yet. Oh my gosh, painting all those leaves was so laborious. I kept complaining (jokingly) to Rob that I was “in a hell of leaves.”

But to be honest, I loved being in that hell of leaves. I loved working on my dumb painting every evening as Buntin sat in my lap doing “crabby cuddles” (purring and snuggling and then growling softly whenever I had the gall to move). I fell into the habit of listening to old episodes of Unsolved Mysteries on my phone as I worked. Unsolved Mysteries was such a great show, especially the “Lost Loves” segments, in which family members or old friends would be reunited after long years of searching for one another. Almost every night as I listened I’d get Buntin’s fur wet with tears.

When I finally finished my painting on March 21, I felt relieved but also a tiny bit lost. What fun little project would I work on next? Luckily, spring had sprung while I was painting, so there were lots of fresh possibilities. I could take pictures of our beautiful white plum tree that I like to call the Snow Queen . . . or plant more purple coneflowers for the butterflies to enjoy . . . or I could make a cake for Rob and garnish it with wild violets. Winter was over, and maybe the pandemic would be over soon too. It was a whole new world with so much to look forward to.

Tabitha and Julie Belle among the ferns:

A teddy bear holding a little stuffed cat on a white settee among the ferns

Golden ragwort galore:

Yellow wildflowers blooming around a garden bench

The wild azaleas in bloom:

Orange-flowering native azaleas and an old white house in the background

American plum blossoms:

White plum blossoms on a branch

Painting the Back Bedroom

Painting the Back Bedroom

Last weekend Rob and I painted the trim in the back bedroom. The trim in there had always bothered me because half of it was painted and the other half was bare wood. Plus, the bare wood part wasn’t even stained or varnished and wasn’t even completely bare; bits of old white paint were stuck around all the nails.

Good Progress

Good Progress

This weekend was very satisfying, one of the best I’ve had in a while. I got to do all the dorky things I love, like playing with my cats and making cat videos and drinking too much Coke, but I also moved ahead on some 

Breezeway Touchup

Breezeway Touchup

On Saturday Rob and I touched up the paint on the breezeway and repainted the door that leads from the breezeway to the Little House. The breezeway gets lots of wear and tear because it’s open to the elements–and because it’s our cats’ very favorite hangout. We repaired plenty of “cat damage” on Saturday. To be honest, that’s what took up most of our time. As our furry friends napped in the sun room, we were painting over claw marks and chatting cheerfully about how destructive cats can be: “They’re so concerned about their ‘territory,'” I said, “but they don’t seem to mind if it’s really torn up.”

Rob agreed. “In fact, they prefer it.”

“They have a reputation as fastidious creatures, but I think that’s overblown.”

“Well, of course.”

While the paint was drying, we washed down all the furniture and brushed the cat fur off all the pillows and cushions. Rob swept the floor, and as he was scooping up mounds of cat fur with the dust pan, he was singing a jolly song with a refrain that started like this: “Cats are terrible animals. . . .”

We kept our small friends off the breezeway until the paint was dry, and then we opened the door and they all ran out there again. Here are some pictures of our new improvements and of the cats happily messing them up.

Fresh white paint
Cute rabbit on a shelf in the pie safe
My niece, Sophie, gave me this handsome pig.
Our gnome, Mr. Halfrey
Elroy peeking through the back of a chair
Elroy again. He’s sitting on the table, getting fur on the tablecloth.
Carl preparing to nibble on a bouquet of mint. All our cats enjoy eating bouquets and tipping the vases over.