Tag: Christmas decorating

Christmas Decorating 2023

Christmas Decorating 2023

On Sunday, Rob and I put up our Christmas tree! As we worked, we listened to Christmas music (and the thunder and rain) and chatted about our childhood Christmas memories. “We’d always put up our tree on a Friday night,” I said. “Back then, a 

A Roble Orange and Other Good Stuff

A Roble Orange and Other Good Stuff

Last weekend went so smoothly it seemed sort of enchanted. Rob and I got so much done. And yet somehow, magically, we still found time to baby the cats and savor our homegrown citrus and have lots of dorky domestic fun. …

That’s Better

That’s Better

Here’s the front porch now, with the addition of poinsettias:

Tree-Trimming Party

Tree-Trimming Party

Mom had a tree-trimming party on Friday night. The usual folks were there—Mom, Kris, Sophie, Jake, Bunny, Matt, and me. I was one of the first to arrive. I came over right after work and the living room was already full of the old, familiar boxes of ornaments.