Tag: imaginative games

Reminders of an August Long Ago

Reminders of an August Long Ago

August in North Florida brings with it certain special beauties–blue morning glories, jewel-like poke berries, puddle-loving smartweed (which I always called “bead flowers” as a kid), purple muscadine grapes, and butterflies galore. Whenever I see a ripe poke berry or a wild grape, it reminds me that it’s August, and it makes me think, inevitably, of another August, when I was 12.

During the Benevolent Reign of Baby Sophie

During the Benevolent Reign of Baby Sophie

Last night I was reading an old journal from 2004 and I realized how different our lives used to be when Kris’s kids were very young. The preschool-age Sophie really put us through our paces! We played imagination games with her all the time, and