Tag: organizing

A New Crafting Space and More

A New Crafting Space and More

For the last six years, I’ve been using the dining room as a makeshift crafting room, sitting at the big table to paint and sew. Well, the other day Rob and I started talking about how I needed better spot to work in, and we 



I spent the last two weeks of February reorganizing the back bedroom. Every night after work I’d hurry home, eager to get started. I’d change into my comfy fleece pajamas and socks and sit on the rug in front of the bed to sort through 

Vegan Snickerdoodles

Vegan Snickerdoodles

Who can resist the humble beauty of a mason jar?

I was sick this weekend, so we did easy, non-taxing things like reorganizing the kitchen cabinets. That’s my kind of nerdy fun–sorting and such. We arranged most of our dry staples into tidy mason jars, which we carefully labeled with labels Rob designed. The most often-used stuff–flour, sugar, brown sugar, quinoa, and egg replacer–went into a rainbow of Fiestaware canisters that we splurged on at Dillard’s. (We bought five canisters in one day; Rob likes to “balls it” sometimes, as he says.)

On Sunday night, Rob baked cookies, which is so comforting to me. I like to sit at the kitchen table and watch him carefully sift and measure. Rob was making vegan snickerdoodles, and our cat Carl was sitting on the table, watching too, and I was petting Carl and calling him “Snickerdoodle” just to make myself mad. (Snickerdoodle is the most annoyingly wholesome word.) But Carl really does look like a snickerdoodle, I must admit. He’s so round and cute, and his tabby fur makes him look like he’s been dusted with cinnamon and sugar.

The house smelled so good with the cookies baking. It was such a cozy smell. I went and lay on the couch and fell asleep while they were still in the oven, and in the morning, like magic, there was a big pile of cookies on the counter, glittering with sugar, just waiting to be my breakfast.

Snickerdoodles (adapted from The Joy of Baking)

Dough Ingredients:
2 ¾ cup all-purpose flour
½ tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup Earth Balance, room temperature
1 ½ cups granulated white sugar
2 “eggs” (use egg replacer)
1 tsp vanilla

1/3 cup granulated white sugar
2 tsp cinnamon

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Whisk together flour, salt, and baking powder.

In a separate bowl, beat Earth Balance and sugar together till smooth. Add egg replacer and beat well. Add vanilla and beat again. Then add flour mixture and beat until dough is smooth. Refrigerate till dough is firm enough to be worked, if necessary.

Roll dough into balls. Mix sugar and cinnamon together for topping. Roll dough balls in cinnamon and sugar. Bake on cookie sheets covered with parchment paper for 8 to 10 minutes.

The lovely snickerdoodles