Sugar-Free Vegan Baked Oatmeal, Version 2

Sugar-Free Vegan Baked Oatmeal, Version 2

Over the last few months, I’ve been perfecting my vegan baked oatmeal, and now I have a new version that I like even better than the original. It’s jam-packed with blueberries, almonds, coconut, and other tasty but healthy goodies—and it’s super easy to make. I 

Sugar-Free Vegan Baked Oatmeal and More

Sugar-Free Vegan Baked Oatmeal and More

I’ve been eating a lot of baked oatmeal lately. It’s so satisfying and easy to make that I decided I’d share the recipe with you. Of course, this meant that I needed to get a blog-worthy picture of oatmeal, a tall order. I did the 

Blackberries and Biscuits

Blackberries and Biscuits

Last Friday I took the day off work and made blackberries and biscuits for breakfast. I whipped up the biscuits using this lovely recipe from Holy Cow Vegan, then topped them with a warm blackberry sauce containing no added sugar. The sauce got me feeling 

Sugar-Free Vegan Banana Bread

Sugar-Free Vegan Banana Bread

On Saturday morning, I baked some sugar-free vegan banana bread. It was so good—mildly, pleasantly sweet due solely to the bananas, and nice and hearty and filling because it was made with whole-wheat flour. “It’s really good with butter on it,” Rob said. “Yeah,” I 

Sugar-Free Vegan Banana-Walnut Muffins

Sugar-Free Vegan Banana-Walnut Muffins

Today I took the day off work and, to celebrate, I made some healthy sugar-free muffins using a recipe I found on The Conscious Plant Kitchen and modified just slightly. I also picked some of our homegrown Meiwa kumquats and enjoyed breakfast out on the 

Vegan Mango Smoothie

Vegan Mango Smoothie

On Saturday morning I tried out this delicious, easy mango smoothie recipe that I found on Minimalist Baker and modified just slightly. The recipe made enough for two smoothies, so . . . I drank both of them. I sipped the first one while petting 

Vegan Strawberry-Almond Smoothie

Vegan Strawberry-Almond Smoothie

One of my favorite Saturday activities is whipping up a smoothie for myself in the early morning hours. It’s so fun and easy. I use almond butter, almond milk, ripe bananas, and organic frozen strawberries. In the lamplight before dawn, I like to sit with 

Not-Too-Sweet Sweet Potato Casserole

Not-Too-Sweet Sweet Potato Casserole

On Sundays, Rob and I love to cook big vegetarian feasts. They take all afternoon to make and usually include country-fried seitan steaks, mashed potatoes, cornbread, field peas or butter beans, sautéed kale, and my Not-Too-Sweet Sweet Potato Casserole. I wanted to share the casserole 

Vegan Sweet Potato-Black Bean Soup and More

Vegan Sweet Potato-Black Bean Soup and More

Tonight I’m finishing up a rare four-day weekend. It was so much fun and felt like such a luxury! During most of my time off, I worked on a painting of a chubby baby bunny frolicking in a patch of bluets. I took breaks every