Vegan Christmas Holly Cookies

Vegan Christmas Holly Cookies

I had a hard time concentrating at work this week—simply because I was feeling too Christmassy. I wanted to string popcorn and listen to “Last Christmas” by Wham, not sit at my computer. So anyway, I was happy when it was finally Saturday and I could do a little Christmas baking.

Vegan Moravian Pumpkin Muffins

Vegan Moravian Pumpkin Muffins

Sometimes I bake things to help me remember, to transport me to another place in time. This weekend I was thinking about our family’s rare trips to Granny’s house in Winston-Salem when I was little, so I made some old-fashioned Moravian pumpkin muffins …

Peanut Chili

Peanut Chili

I mentioned before that we harvested our sweet potatoes on Sunday, but I forgot to add that aside from the rotten ones they were really nice—big and bulging and fat. We used two that very night to make a batch of peanut chili spiced up with some of our lovely Long Slim cayenne peppers.

Vegan Orange Ball Cookies and Rangpur Limeade

Vegan Orange Ball Cookies and Rangpur Limeade

I’m a vegan, but lots of times I get a hankering for “regular food,” the food of my childhood, of family reunions and bake sales and my parents’ office picnics. (I’m a secret fan of your ’70s prefab desserts, those fluffy, dreamy concoctions made from 

Vegan Strawberry Milkshake

Vegan Strawberry Milkshake

I’ve had the nicest morning. I got up obscenely early, which is really fun for me (I feel like I’m stealing time, cheating the system). I was sitting in the sun room in my pajamas when I saw a big barred owl in the backyard, 

Vegan Gingerbread

Vegan Gingerbread

Yesterday there was a little rainstorm in the afternoon, so I came inside and stirred up some vegan gingerbread. I made a huge mess. Molasses and syrup dripped off the edges of the counter, and sugar sparkled on the floor as the lightning flashed. Of 

Super Baked Ziti

Super Baked Ziti

Today we made our famous baked ziti. Rob stayed up until 1:30 last night making the sauce. He’d watch TV for 15 minutes, then get up and stir it again. It cooked through two episodes of Jericho, an episode of 30 Rock, and Saturday Night 

Vegan Zucchini Bread

Vegan Zucchini Bread

Last weekend we harvested two gigantic zucchinis (literally the size of bowling pins). They were so big we had to make a double batch of vegan zucchini bread and a huge vegetable curry (it fed us for days) in order to use them up. For 

Thai Tofu Burritos with Sweet Potatoes and Purple Cabbage Slaw

Thai Tofu Burritos with Sweet Potatoes and Purple Cabbage Slaw

For lunch last Sunday, we made our favorites, Thai Tofu Burritos, but this time we improved them by adding some homegrown sweet potatoes to the filling. I’ve included the revised recipe below, along with our recipe for purple cabbage slaw, which is what we always